
500startups // 500startups Batch 3 starting 2011-11-01

Key notes: GoVoluntr is a social network that aims to connect nonprofits with willing volunteers.

Office address: 440 Castro Street, #1200, Mountain View, California, United States

Description: Social platform to bring volunteers, nonprofits and businesses together to mutually benefit each other around solving social issues. Creating a social community of non profits and causes that need help. Adding the workforce of volunteers to track, share and redeem their good deeds at nonprofits. Layering in businesses to brand themselves with causes, build more traffic through rewarding volunteers while branding themselves in the community. We are brokers of CSR and philanthropy between businesses and nonprofits using game mechanics and rewards systems to engage volunteers.

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Funding Rounds

Date Name $ Invested Crunchbase link
2011-10-26 seed Detailed data


Round Date Round Name Investor Crunchbase Link
2011-10-26 seed 500 Startups Investor Profile

Contact Jed if you have updated information for GoVoluntr

To update the information on funding or number of employees, please do that directly on Crunchbase.

Created: 09-May-2012, 22:48

Last Crunchbase update: 28-Jun-2019, 05:02

Last modified: 05-Mar-2021, 05:02

Country: USA