
angelcube // angelcube 05/01/13 starting 2013-05-01

Key notes: eTaskr is a task marketplace that solves underutilization of resources within organizations.

Office address: Level 6, 10 Queens Road, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Description: etaskr is the task marketplace for enterprise. Similar to outsourcing task marketplaces like oDesk and TaskRabbit, etaskr is an internal and private task marketplace focused on bringing down the walls inside enterprise organisations. etaskr allows you to post tasks to your entire organisation. Our matching engine drives your task to the right people and our notification engine pushes your task to those employees. Conversely employees can browse the taskboard to find tasks to increase their utilisation, explore other areas of work and connect to people outside of their silo. The product also features a dashboard that displays analytics on your organisation's utilisation, resource sharing and employee performance.

View details on Crunchbase:

$ 1,320,000 over 2 funding rounds.

Angellist Page:

Funding Rounds

Date Name $ Invested Crunchbase link
2015-03-17 seed $ 1,300,000 Detailed data
2013-05-01 seed $ 20,000 Detailed data


Round Date Round Name Investor Crunchbase Link
2013-05-01 seed AngelCube Investor Profile
2015-03-17 seed Oxygen Ventures Investor Profile

Contact Jed if you have updated information for eTaskr

To update the information on funding or number of employees, please do that directly on Crunchbase.

Created: 14-Jul-2013, 23:19

Last Crunchbase update: 26-Jun-2019, 05:21

Last modified: 03-Mar-2021, 05:21

Country: AUS